Communication is crucial when it comes to all of the challenges your child will face each day at school. It is important for your children to feel comfortable speaking with you about bullies, fears and anxieties. You can turn any challenge around if you set it up right!
Here are some important tips for helping your child feel comfortable about communicating with you:
Never ignore your child’s anxieties or stresses. This is a critical mistake that many parents make and most of the time it is completely by accident. Sometimes parents get tangled up with all of their own responsibilities that they brush aside situations brought up by their children that don’t seem very important. What you need to remember is this: EVERYTHING your child says to you is important to them.
Ask them about their day to keep an open dialog. Sometimes children hold back sharing their fears and anxieties simply because they don’t want to bother you. By asking them how their day was and if there was anything they wanted to talk about, you are showing them you care. Don’t be afraid to get creative in how you dialog with your children! Instead of asking “How was your day,” why not try one of these communication starters*:
- What brought a smile to your face today?
- If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be?
- Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday.
Try to put their anxieties and stresses into a perspective that they understand. For example, everyone is bullied at some point in their life. If your child’s stress is about bullying, share your bullying experience with them and let them know that you understand how they feel. Then provide a simple solution that you know they can handle.
You know your child best – period. If you see that your child is struggling with their transition into a new school year, please know that we are here to help you and your family. At the heart of why we do what we do is the families we serve! Reach out to us today if you are in need of support.
*Thank you @kidztherapynetwork for sharing creative questions we can ask our kiddos at the end of the school day! For more great questions to ask your kids instead of “How was your day,” visit their Facebook page!
Author: Jennifer Salama of Skillz Worldwide with Meghan Klettke.
Jennifer is a 4th-degree black belt that currently works alongside her husband, John Salama, at the SKILLZ Worldwide Headquarters in Atlanta, GA. With a Masters Degree in Child Psychology, Jennifer’s experience and expertise is invaluable to helping our SKILLZ students and their parents be their best. We are so grateful to Jennifer and Skillz Worldwide for their unwavering support of our family’s mission!